Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sricketts: Music Fan

Some will look back at Michael Jackson and see a pop superstar. A king of music. Some will look back and see their childhood hero, or one of the most rad dudes around. I really don't know which, if any of these, Sricketts14381 saw. What I do know is that he took the time out of his day to create a beautiful, tender, and above all, appropriate tribute to the Moonwalker after his recent death.

I'm really not sure which is more offensive to the dead: Pasting an "In memory of" decal on the back window of your hummer, or dressing up one of your fursonas as the deceased in what is arguably a digital masterpiece.

Michael Jackson isn't the only musical icon that Sricketts is a fan of. He also seems to value The Beatles.

Sricketts was kind enough to explain the deep symbolism behind his image:

"A picture parodying the Beatles album, "Abbey Road". And the characters also represent the main three series I am currently working on.
Megamink, my original series.
Sonic Heroes, the Sonic Fan Fiction series.
The Raccoons Fan Fiction Series.

It features the following characters from right to left.
Stephen Fox (c) SR
Megamink (c) SR
Sonic The Hedgehog (c) SEGA
Bert Raccoon (c) Evergreen Raccoons Marketing Inc"

Sonic Heroes, the Sonic Fan Fiction series, you say? Well hot damn, I've got something to look forward to.