Today, though, will be different. Today I found an artist with a number of images. I couldn't just pick one, I had to use them all. So for today (And maybe regularly in the near future) we'll be doing a special "Featured Artist" entry.
What can I say about Sabre the Hedgehog 2 that isn't immediately obvious to even the most intellectually devoid individual? Sabre the Hedgehog, obviously this artist's original character (DO NOT STEAL), had to be his user name. So much, in fact, that since there was already another "Sabrethehedgehog" (Man, it was such a unique name, how did someone already come up with it?!) what did he do? Choose a different name? Hell no! He slapped a "2" at the end of his name and called it a day. Now, it's possible that HE was the original Sabre the Hedgehog, as the name has no deviations, no comments, no anything, except for two favorites. I'm willing to bet he forgot his original password (Probably Sabrethehedgehog) and rather than figure out how to retrieve it he made a new account. It's also possible that enough people antagonized his shitty artwork to the point that they chased him away, only to hide under the guise of Sabrethehedgehog2. It's the 2 that throws them off. They'd never think to look there for him. Enough of that, though, let's begin, shall we?
Our first image is the one that helped me discover Sabre. It's a beautifully pixelated sprite edit featuring Sabre, his original character (DO NOT STEAL), and Sabre's three Super Saiyan forms.
Wait, what? Super Saiyan? Look, I know that Super Sonic was directly inspired by the Super Saiyan form from Dragonball Z, but making two other "super levels" based directly off the Dragonball Z versions is a little much, don't you think? Even if you wanted to take it even further, why wouldn't you go with the Sonic canon and make a Hyper form for Sabre? What's this guy thinking? Why don't you also give him a Lightsabre? The Death Egg was based off of the Death Star, anyway, right?
Next, more pixel-art.
Sonic, Sonic, and Sonic, all three in their Darkspine form (For those of you that don't know, Darkspine is a canonical form for Sonic the Hedgehog. It was introduced in Sonic and the Secret Rings. I know it sounds like something a twelve-year-old on DeviantART would make up, but it's not.)
What? That's not Sonic, Sonic, and Sonic? Oh, it's Drift, Sabre, and Ichiro the Hedgehogs. You can tell because they have different colored gloves or some shit.
First off, the title for the image is "Darkspine Team Next Gen." What exactly about this image, or the characters are "next gen?" The pixels? I'm pretty sure everything that has ever been considered "next gen" has had sprites with a higher resolution than that. Unless..oh God. No. I think "Next gen" means that these assholes are supposed to be Sonic's kids...Jesus Christ, what have I stumbled onto? Some sort of opening to the Dark Lord's living room?
Canonically there are so many things wrong with this picture. Darkspine Sonic was created from using resources available exclusively in the world that Sonic and the Secret Rings took place in (He traveled into the Arabian Nights storybook, or something.) So does that mean that Drift, Sabre, and Ichiro all three went into this Arabian Nights world in order to acquire their Darkspine forms? Look, just because Sonic does something doesn't mean your original character (DO NOT STEAL) has to do it, too. Why not make your own retarded continuity, with your own stupid forms instead of rehashing Sega's?
Well, at least he didn't make up some stupid "Darkspine level 2" form or something.
OH WHAT THE FUCK!? Really? You REALLY need another level for the Darkspine form? I guess more power means more quills. That's it, this has to be a joke. I'm getting trolled. I mean, there are quills growing out of their quills!
Okay, moving on. Meet Cytreix the Hedgehog. I'm really not sure how one might pronounce that...
I'm pretty sure it's just Sonic wearing clothes with a quill or two in front. Can this guy not draw anything other than Sonic with different colors, or with different clothes? I remember doing Sonic fan art when I was in 4th grade. I had original characters, but I didn't just rehash Sonic and change his name and call it mine. I took pride in my shit.
Here's another one of Super Sonic wearing lightning pants.
This is all just the tip of the iceberg. This guy rehashes a Sonic sprite like he's got something to prove. He's mass-uploading them as I type this out, so there may even be more by the time you read this. Let's take a look at his roster, shall we?
Aeon the Hedgehog
Firen the Hedgehog
Drift & Dirge the Hedgehogs
Kaiser the Dragon Hedgehog
Fury the Wolf
Jecht the Hedgehog
Ichiro the Hedgehog
Aero the Hedgehog
And last but not least:
Sabre the Hedgehog
It should be noted that on each and every one of these characters Sabre (The artist, not the Hedgehog) has stated very specifically "No stealing." So if you were thinking of taking HIS recolored Sonic sprites as YOUR recolored Sonic sprites, think again. He won't allow it.
A dragon-hedgehog? How in God's name do you think that hybrid came to fruition? I'm not sure I really feel comfortable thinking about it. Kaiser (The dragon-hog) has adopted a small wolf named Fury (He's up there.) Both of them have the relationship status of "Taken." Considering Fury is supposed to be twelve years old, it's really creepy. And what's with those names? I'm pretty sure he just blindly opens the dictionary and points to a word to get the names for each character. Look, I can't even begin to comment on every note-worthy thing on this guy's account. Look at it. Look around, read image descriptions, they're damn funny (Or embarrassing. I guess it depends on your sense of humor.)
Sabrethehedgehog2 is really something special. Maybe it's a fake account. Part of me hopes that it is, part of me hopes that it isn't. Ultimately, though, I'm thankful. It's people like Sabre that allow blogs like this to exist.